St. Paul AME Church
P.O. Box 127, Circleville, Ohio 43113
422 S. Pickaway Street, Circleville, Ohio 43113

St. Paul AME Church, Circleville (Established in 1834) In 1812, a class of eight members of the Methodist church was formed, which was gradually enlarged, until, about 1830, it was thought desirable to build a church. This was of brick and was located between the north-east end of the Avenue and Pickaway Street, in the center of what is now Watt Street. In 1851, this building was burned and the congregation immediately erected another brick church at the corner of Main and Pickaway streets. This was torn down in 1908, and the corner stone of a beautiful new edifice was laid on May 10, 1909.
At the completion of this building a week was given to the holding of special services. The ceremonies attendant upon the dedication took place on Sunday, May 15th, 1910. Among the eight members who constituted the first Methodist Episcopal congregation in Circleville were two colored women, Lydia Smith and her mother. After a time, these two thought it desirable to hunt out members of their race who incline to the Methodist faith and to establish a congregation of their own. This was done and a lot was bought on South Pickaway Street, on which stood a little frame building. This was used for a while for church services, beginning about 1834. It is written, Reverend L. Davis, with a membership of twelve (12) in the year of 1834 at 409 St. Pickaway Street organized the African Methodist. The church membership grew rapidly and plans were made to build larger church, land was purchased across the street at the present location, 426 South Pickaway Street in 1879. The corner stone was laid during the pastorate of Reverend R.H. Morris, the building is as large as a sixteen room house as nearly every member a family for future membership of St. Paul A.M.E. Church, numbering about one hundred (100) members.
In 1849, the congregation bought a frame building of the Methodists, which they moved to their lot, placing it in front of the smaller house, which later was then used as a school. This frame church (which was originally attached to the back part of the brick church, on Watt Street, owned by the Methodists, and was called the Vestry) was used by the A.M.E. Congregation for almost 30 years. Their location was then sold and a lot bought across the street, where, in 1879, the present brick church was erected. The larger of the old frame churches is now Hazelwood;s blacksmith shop. [from article at Pickaway County Historical Library, N. Court St.)
The current edifice was erected in 1994. The Lutheran church, the community and dedicated members of St. Paul AME Church helped build the church you see today. Currently, a full history of the church is being constructed.